Thanks for all the comments - I know this will be an exciting part of
our project ;)

(There were no comments...)

Anyway, I checked in into enhanced/buildtest.  In trunk, you should be
able to :

  ant setup

and have the almost the thing install and


just kicks it off and runs it.

I say "almost" because

1) you need to manually get the IBM J9 VM and install it into
cc/projects/classlib/trunk after you manually run 'ant' once to setup
the deploy/ directory.  In fact, I think we should put the
deploy/jdk/jre skeleton in place in SVN for this to make it easier.

2) there's a problem on windows - the full setup fails during the
checkout of classlib, even though the 'subtarget' to do the checkout
works just fine.  I suspect there's some memory problem or such, but I
got tired of staring at it.

This really is a 'proof of concept' sketch for comment.  Immediately,
I'd like to set CC sending mail to our lists, and then figure out some
way of aggregating the information into a webpage or wiki page.  Maybe
wiki is going to be easier to start..


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Aside from being distracted by my new macbook pro dual core intel
> wonderbox, I was playing with seeding a build/test/ci infrastructure,
> and want to solicit comments before I check in something.
> I call this a seed because I know there's a lot of interest in a richer
> framework for perf/stabillity/unit testing, code coverage, etc, and the
> key is to make it easy for anyone to get, and propose additions to...
> The top-level goal was to have something that anyone can checkout, do
> some minor configuration, and get running, so we can have a rich
> platform matrix for Harmony testing that's community-based.  Sure, we'll
> run it on Apache hardware too at some point, but it must be community
> owned, community created, etc, with the Apache instance just one in the
> matrix.
> I figure that we'll have :
> 1)  some infrastructure you can checkout and run
> 2) a target mail address/list for result/status messages that we accept
> from anyone in the community that "registers" with us (IOW, people write
> in and say they are doing it on platform XYZ, and we add them....)
> 3) Some kind of system that gathers the info and presents a status page
> on the website so people can review history and such.
> I had a few soft 'requirements' in my head when I started....
> 1) I wanted to be able to build a system so that for the most part
>      svn co https://......./enhanced/buildtestinfra
> will get you everything you need to run.
> 2) I wanted to  be able to parameterize the ci/test run  via some kind
> of  external properties  in order that everyone is running the same test
> config.  Examples of these parameters include the platform you are
> testing on (RedHat Fedora Core v1.1), mail information like return
> address, mail server to send through, etc...
> 3) I want it to be flexible so whatever comes down the pike can be
> incorporated.
> I looked at both continuum and cruise control.  Both seem to be
> glorified CRON programs, with the point of just running a set of tasks
> over and over and reporting on them.  I went back and forth and decided
> that for what I wanted to do, cruise control seemed a better fit.  It
> let me do things like create dependencies between projects (only run B
> if A completes successfully), and seemed to be easier to run our
> projects  as they are, w/o needing special kick-off scripts and such.
> My goal is to check in later today after some nips and tucks.  It's
> simple, it's primitive, and because I don't know cruise control very
> well, it's probably wrong.    But it's been working all weekend, and
> aside from the fact that my )@[EMAIL PROTECTED] ubuntu box is under enough 
> weird
> memory stress that fork() fails, it's cute to watch.
> So first, does this sound reasonable?
> Second, what approach should we take for recording and summarizing
> across a whole range of people running this?  I'd like to keep the mail
> stream coming, as I think that's a great way to permanently track.  But 
> based on that... maybe a little impl of James or something running on a
> solaris zone that eats email and writes to a db?
> geir
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