Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Here's the instructions I had ready for the website, but got clobbered
with one of the many doco patches.  I'll put on website today in terms
of requirement, and then point to a wiki for details for this platform.

1) Install subversion, gcc, g++ and make:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install subversion
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install gcc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install g++
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install make

3) Install java : (1.5.0_9 from sun)

4) Install ant (1.6.x)

4) Get junit and drop the junit-X.jar into ant/lib

4) Install AWT/Swing deps

   apt-get install liblcms1-dev
   apt-get install libpng12-dev
   apt-get install libjpeg62-dev
   apt-get install libx11-dev
   apt-get install libxft-dev
   apt-get install binutils-dev

You might need to add sudo here too

I wasn't going to presume. :)

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