I am organizing the Orthodox minyan for the AJL
convention, June 19-22, in Oakland, California.

However, because of another commitment, I won't be
able to arrive in Oakland until Monday morning (June
20), so I'm looking to enlist some people to help
coordinate the Monday morning minyan (and any ad-hoc
minyanim that people want to have on Sunday for mincha
and/or ma`ariv).

What I need especially:

1) someone to keep the Torah in his (or her) room
    overnight Sunday
2) a man or men to lain all or part of the Torah
    reading Monday Morning (the beginning of Parashat
    Shelach [Lekha])

So please contact me if you have any questions, or can
volunteer.  Feel free to pass this message on to
anyone who may be coming to the convention but is not
on Ha-Safran.

Thank you.

-Stanley Nachamie

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