Safranim shalom,

Have a look at the following site. It is a source of up-to-date information
about Israel (health, technology, culture, humanitarian aid) without getting
evolved with the Arab-Israeli conflict. Here you will find Israel's
contribution to humanity.  I see it as a very positive site.

David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home page)

ISRAEL21c is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of
California that works with existing institutions and the media to inform
Americans about 21st century Israel, its people, its institutions and its
contributions to global society. ISRAEL21c creates, aggregates and broadly
disseminates high-quality information to the American public about the
Israel that exists beyond the pervasive imagery of conflict that
characterizes so much of western media reporting. Our goal is to strengthen
the vibrant and enduring partnership between the United States and Israel,
and between Americans and Israelis.

ISRAEL21c is a Silicon Valley-based organization with a national scope and
reach. Its Board members and network of supporters include a diverse group
of American business and community leaders whose lives have been focused on
the advancement of efforts and innovations that improve our way of life in
the United States and around the globe.

ISRAEL21c is a nonpolitical organization that does not endorse political
parties, political views or government policies.

ISRAEL21c will provide information from multiple qualified sources at its
sole discretion and will maximize impact through partnership with other
organizations and information services.

ISRAEL21c upholds high ethical and intellectual standards and will apply
them consistently and equally to its own analysis and information services
and to all information contributed by third-party organizations.


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