To one and all:
As Bibliography Bank coordinator, it pleases me to send out this
notification of the most recent additions to the B B.  Linda Silver,
President of the SSC division and bibliographer extraordinaire, sends this
message to  the list:

         Every Spring, the Greater Cleveland Chapter of AJL presents one of its
well-attended programs, a round-up and review of noteworthy new books that
have been published since the chapter's Jewish Book Month lists from the
previous year were compiled. Annotated lists of these books, fiction and
non-fiction, for children and adults, are now part of  the Bibliography
Bank.  To find them, visit, click on the Resources
link and select Bibliography Bank from the menu.

Now that the Bib Bank is electronic, it provides us with a much more
efficient method of keeping AJL members  informed about the most current
resources available through the Website.

Marion M. Stein, Librarian
Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
20 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10023
#212 246 7717 Ex. 11639

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