Dear all,

I'm not a librarian and unless the convention comes to Israel, probably 
will never attend one, but I've been following this conversation for the 
past couple of years - so here's my 2 cents!

There are many universities in major cities - this may answer a number of 
the problems brought up in the discussion.

and the recent suggestion of "every other year" - college/hotel - may 
really be an option, especially if there is a desire to increase the 
numbers of participants.

I think the idea of having the convention committee made up of others 
outside of the area of the convention itself is a good one.  The 
accumulated experience of past years is always a plus.

as for the exhibitors - and only being able to speak for Jerusalem Books - 
wherever you'll be, Jerusalem Books will be there!


Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books
POB 26190
Jerusalem 91260
972-2-6433580 (tel/fax)

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