The paper on Hebrew book bindings, by Nicholas Pickwoad, bears the title 
"The Problems Presented by the Jewish Books of the Eighteenth and Early 
Nineteenth Centuries."  It was published in a conference proceedings volume:

International Conference on Conservation and Restoration of Archival and 
Library Materials, Erice, 22nd-29th April 1996.  Edited by Carlo Federici 
and Paola F. Munafo, with the assistance of Daniela Costantini.  Palermo: 
G. B. Palumbo, 1999.  Vol. 1, pp. 333-345.

Maria Grandinette, Head of Conservation Treatment in the Stanford 
University Libraries, drew my attention to this paper, which is based on 
Mr. Pickwoad's experience as a paper conservator working on Hebrew books in 
the Harvard University Library's Judaica Division.

Zachary Baker
Stanford University Libraries

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