Date: September 12, 2005
Subject: Vilnius Yiddish Institute
As coordinator of the Vilnius Summer Program in Yiddish, I am very happy to 
let you all know
  that after missing (unfortunately) one summer, because of financial and 
reasons (our institute was being integrated into the university long-term),
we are now back in business in every sense of the word! Preparations have
just been finalized for the 2006 summer program here at Vilnius University.
The program will be held from 31 July to 25 August 2006.
The teachers are Prof. Jerold Frakes (Los Angeles),
Prof. Avrohom Lichtenbaum (Buenos Aires), Prof. Yitskhok Niborski (Paris),
and Prof. Anna Verschik (Tallinn).
The director is Professor Sidney Rosenfeld of Oberlin, Ohio.
There will be a rich supplementary program of lectures, walking and bus tours,
seminars, concerts and more, many led by bona fide Litvaks from the
Jewish Community of Lithuania who have lived in the region their entire lives.
  The Vilnius Summer Program in a unique experience that complements rather
than duplicates its fine sister programs in the West. This one-month summer 
was founded at Oxford University in 1982, and moved by its founding director,
Prof. Dovid Katz (now an advisor to the program) to Vilnius University in 
For further details as well as the new and correct address for Vilnius 
Program in Yiddish,
Vilnius Yiddish Institute, Vilnius Summer Program in Yiddish please visit
Please feel free to contact me about any question you may have.
It will be my pleasure to help in any way possible. Olga Bliumenzon

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