We would like to invite you to two upcoming lectures, sponsored by 
the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies:

Thursday, June 15, 7:00 PM
Workmen's Circle / Emanuel Patt Memorial Lecture
Dr. Joel Berkowitz (Professor of Judaic Studies, SUNY Albany)
"False Messiahs in Yiddish Historical Drama"
RSVP: Center for Jewish History box office, 917-606-8200

Tuesday, June 20, 6:30 PM
YIVO Faculty and Graduate Seminar in Jewish Studies
Dr. Mark Steiner (Professor of Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"Was Spinoza a Materialist?": A Discussion of Rabbi Reuven 
Agushewitz's 'Faith and Heresy'
Moderator:  Dr. Allan Nadler (Professor of Religious Studies & 
Director, Jewish Studies Program, Drew University)

 From 6:00 to 6:30 participants will have the opportunity to meet 
with Dr. Steiner and with faculty and graduate students. Because of 
limited seating in the Kovno Room advance registration is required. 
RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 212-294-6143.

Both events will take place at
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
15 West 16th Street
New York NY 10011

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