First, I'd like to thank everyone involved in putting together this
year's convention.  It was a tremendous amount of work and a great
success.  There was one small matter that I think could be improved
upon in future conventions and I wanted to get some feedback from
everyone else while the convention in still fresh in our minds.

While the shaharit minyanim were very well organized, there were no
preparations made for minhah or ma'ariv.  Because of this, we had
people scrambling around, trying to informally organize times and
locations to daven.  For some reason, the ad hoc minyan tended to
gravitate towards meeting in front of doorways, in the path of hotel
staff or guests causing unnecessary inconvenience and potential hilul
Hashem.   Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive, but this was my
impression.  At times, we were able to meet in empty meeting rooms,
but I am not sure if we had permission from the hotel to use these
rooms at the time.  All of these problems could be easily solved by
providing a time and place for the minyanim to meet.  If space is an
issue, perhaps the 2 minyanim could meet together for minhah and

It's possible that my concerns are exaggerated and that this bothered
me more than it bothered others, but on the other hand, it can only
benefit AJL, the minyanim, and our relationship with our various
convention centers to have minhah and ma'ariv better organized in the
future  I'd like to hear everyone else's impressions.  Again, thank
you to everyone involved in making this convention a success.  Next
year in Cleveland!

Daniel Scheide

Catalog Librarian

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