available through the Center for Jewish History, NY
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The center for Jewish History is pleased to announce
that a web-based searchable bibliography of
unpublished Holocaust-related materials housed at the Center
is now available.

This a compilation of materials drawn from the collections of its
partners: American Jewish Historical Society;
American Sephardi Federation; Leo Baeck Institute;
Yeshiva University Museum; YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

The bibliography contains over 2,000 annotated entries, which 
represent records
in 32 different languages.   Included are almost 3,000 individuals' names,
over 300 organizational names, and close to 700 locations (countries,
cities, towns) with alternate spellings.

Holocaust studies is an international field of research.
It continues to draw large numbers of researchers to the Center for whom the
bibliography is an invaluable research tool. CJH Holocaust Resources will no
doubt prove to be an important contribution to this field of study. The
culmination of a 2 ½-year project, the bibliography was made possible
through a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against
Germany, Inc.

In addition to accessibility through CJH website
(http://www.cjh.org/collections/bibliographies.php), the bibliography is
available at: www.holocaustresources.cjh.org.

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