In responding to Karen Kriegel's original posting -- looking for calendars
for 5768 -- I failed to note  that she wanted PRINTED calendars.

I want to recommend the Conservative one, which we have been redistributing
to our local synagogues for many years.

The 5767 one carries this information:

Luach 5767: Order of Prayers and Blessings and Torah readings for Synagogue
and  Home Table
Created and developed by Kenneth S. Goldrich (z"l)

A Joint Project of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the
Rabbinical Assembly
United Synagogue Book Service
155 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10010

We place our combined order about August 1 each year, and the copies of the
luach arrive about two weeks before the High Holydays. The cost has been
less than $15.

Dr. Don Weinshank Professor Emeritus Comp. Sci. & Eng.
1520 Sherwood Ave., East Lansing MI 48823-1885
Ph. 517.337.1545   FAX 517.337.1665

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