Heidi and all you book-hounds out there.

 >...unedited talk recorded at the independent bookstore Books & 
Books in Coral Gables, Florida with Markus Zusak, author of The Book 
Thief (first ever winner in the Teen Category of the Sydney Taylor 
Book Award).<

I frequent "Casa del Libro", a book shop here in Valencia because not
only does it have a good selection of all types of books but it has a
terrific cafe on the second floor with a balcony that hangs over the
first floor so you can spy on how everyone is messing up the orderly
arrangements of  books on the carrels. A couple of weeks ago, from over
a cup of coffee while looking down at the customers below, the cover of
"La Ladrona de Libros" caught my eye  but I didn't pay it much mind.
Just this morning though, I was listening to Heidi's podcast as I always
do because it's so damned good and entertaining.  The interview with Mr
Zusak was cracker jack. Only towards the end of it did it dawn on me
that "The Book Thief" had been translated into spanish.  No sooner did I
finish listening to the interview than I got on my bike and pedalled off
to "Casa del Libro" and bought  "La ladrona de libros" which I read,
upstairs on the balcony, overlooking a cup of coffee. Both were very
very good.

 >Go to The Book of Life web page at www.bookoflifepodcast.com, look 
for the player in the right-hand sidebar, and click on the big button 
that says "Play my show on your
site" to get the HTML code.<

Definitely do that. When I got home, I listened to Mr Zusak again. I
laughed just as much the second as the first time.
Besos a todos
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti La Javura

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