Dear Friends,

All of us at Jerusalem Books hope you were able to enjoy your winter break.

We must report some sad news. Seth Nelson Levy who had recently 
joined our staff had to go to the US to be with his ailing father and 
family. His father has since passed away and we share in his grief 
and personally and through our congregation offer condolence and 
support to his family here in Israel, his wife Laura and their 6 
children. We are awaiting his return to us all.

As is the nature of life and business, we are pleased to announce 
that Wendy Weiss Simon, known to many of you for many years, has 
returned to Jerusalem Books. Thankfully, we are pleased to have her 
efforts, attitude and skills. There is plenty to do around here 
including some additional duties in the area of Arabic/Mid-East 
materials, Russian lists, Movie DVD's, client invoices, employee 
training and more.

We are pleased to announce that all the old catalogs are posted and 
available on our website:

We also would like to announce that we have added an additional 
voice, telephone line at Jerusalem Books (972-2-642-6653) and have 
dedicated the old phone/fax line – number AS AN EXCLUSIVE, DEDICATED 
FAX # (972-2) 643-3580.We also look forward to adding an additional 
data entry part timer shortly.

Thank you all for your continued interest, patronage and support as 
we strive to make 2008 our best year ever for service to librarians, 
libraries, faculty and students.


Jerusalem Books Ltd.
P.O.B. 26190
Jerusalem, 91261, Israel
(V) 972-2-642-6653/6576
(F)  972-2-643-3580

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