Holocaust Archives Now Available At US Holocaust Museum

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum announced today that it 
is ready to begin providing information to Holocaust survivors and 
their families from the International Tracing Service (ITS) archive. 
The archive, located in Bad Arolsen, Germany, was the largest closed 
Holocaust archive in the world. It contains information on 
approximately 17.5 million victims of Nazism, both Jews and non-Jews, 
and survivors have long sought information from the collection. The 
Museum led a years-long effort to open the archive, that succeeded on 
November 28, 2007, when the 11 nations of the ITS governing board 
ratified the agreement opening the collection.

"This moment is a wonderful victory for survivors, although long 
overdue," said Museum Director Sara J Bloomfield. "But the 
significance of ITS extends far beyond the survivor generation. With 
an increase in Holocaust denial and minimization, the evidence in 
this massive archive will serve as an authentic witness to the scope 
of the crimes of the Holocaust for many generations to come."

The Museum is committed to getting accurate, complete information 
from the massive collection to Holocaust survivors as quickly as 
possible. The archive consists of 100 million images of 
documentation, and is not machine searchable. To address this, the 
Museum has invested in expanding its research staff and in developing 
new software and searching systems to allow trained researchers to 
locate materials in the collection.

Researchers from the Museum's Benjamin and Vladka Meed Registry of 
Holocaust Survivors will search the collection for Holocaust 
survivors who are seeking information on themselves or their loved 
ones. Survivors may submit requests via email, regular mail or fax. 
The Museum has established a toll-free number to answer survivor 
inquiries and will provide copies of relevant documentation to 
survivors at no cost. As with all of its archival holdings, anyone 
can visit the Museum and access the material.

The archive also promises to be of enormous importance for scholars, 
who, until now, have never had access to this material. Its 
acquisition will double the size of the Museum's archival collection. 
The ITS material will be transferred in a series of installments, the 
first of which arrived in August 2007. The last section is expected 
to arrive in 2010.

More information on the ITS collection can be found on the Museum's Web site,

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