Dear Hasafran friends-

I am writing to ask a cataloging question (not my forte!)

We have just switched to an online catalog using Surpass 
software.  (By the way, the url to access our catalog is -- 
can someone tell me how to submit this link to the AJL website 
listing of members' catalogs?  The niceties of the catalog, including 
graphics, recommended reading lists, etc, are still under 
construction, but the basics are there.  So far, I love Surpass.)

So, back to my question -- In the past, I have kept a shelf list in a 
file drawer -- all the paper sheets we used to record cataloging data 
before entering that data into our old computer program.  Now that we 
are using a web-hosted catalog (backed up by the host every night) 
and importing MARC records, do I need to keep a paper-copy shelf 
list?  What do you all think?  How are you handling this?

Thanks in advance!


Elizabeth Edelglass
Library Director
Department of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 387-2424 x330

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