Tkuma - English version. 2 DVD set
A continuation of  the famous series the Pillars of
Fire, representing the first 50 years in the history
of the State of Israel.

6 Episodes(1hr each) in a 2 DVD set.

Running Time: 6 Hours

NTSC (USA) System Only

The story of Israel's first fifty years of statehood,
TKUMA brings to the screen the tragedies and joyful
milestones of Israel's first half century: the
ingathering of the exiles as the fledgling state
becomes a haven for Jews around the word. Dramatic,
personal accounts and documentary footage of the wars
fought over five decades, along with rare
behind-the-scenes insights into Israel's efforts to
make peace.
Who is a Jew? Israel wrestles with its national
identity. Israel's economic revolution takes the
country from the orange to the computer chip in a few
years. The people, the places, the spirit of Israel in
its first fifty years

Episode 1: The conflict
Director: Eitan Wetzler
Episode 2: The ingathering
Director: Neta Efrony
Episode 3: The people's
Director: Dennis Zinn
Episode 4: Whose state? Whose religion?
Director: Barry Teff
Episode 5: The economic revolution
Director: Nathan Lifshits
Episode 6: future peace. Next war
Director: Eitan Wetzler

Media: DVD

Language: English

Your Price $76.95

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