August 19. 2008

Dear Friends,

The Hecht Museum of the University of Haifa has published the Great 
Revolt in the Galilee.  A bilingual book (Ha-Mered Ha-Gadol Ba-Galil) 
by Ofra Guri-Rimon, editor and curator.  The book is 122 in Hebrew 
and 17 pages in English and has articles on the archaeology of 
Zipori, comparison between Judea and Galilee at the time of the 
revolt against the Romans, which took place between 66-70 CE, and 
scholarly analysis of/from Jesephus to Vespian.

This is a scholarly yet accessible and enlightening, softcover museum 
catalog that I highly recommend for libraries from research and 
reference and all levels of Jewish education. 67179, $39.00

In Hebrew literature we must mention David Grossman's – "Isha Borahat 
me-Besorah" (his translation – Until the End of the Land).  It's had 
7 printings since its appearance earlier this year. 66910 $36.00

Sami Michael's new title - Ayida – will also likely be a modern 
Hebrew classic.  This title should not be confused with Verdi's 
opera. 67437 $29.00

In English we have a number of good picks …

Daniel Sperber's Jewish Life Cycle - this new book from Bar Ilan is 
dual published with Oxford Univ. Press.  Although it is printed in 
Israel.  If you have not heard about this book yet, please google 
it.  The isbn is 978-965-226-334-6 67970 Price - $162.50

Gedalyah Nigal, Emiritus Professor of Jewish Literature, Bar Ilan 
University, has had his monumental work, 'the Hassidic Tale,' 
published by the Littman Library, isbn 978-1-904113-07-2, Portland 
Oregon, 2008.

This is the translation of the work previously published in Hebrew, 
which was highly acclaimed. (Cat. #66968) The work would be 
worthwhile even if only for it's introduction which describes the 
development of Hassidic literature from storytelling, through, beyond 
and beside parables, from the 18th  until the early 20th Cent. 
(CE).  The largest portion of the introduction includes a summary of 
significant Rabbinic texts which incorporate the many Hassidic tales. 
This section charts from the 'Shivhei HaBesht,' through the many 
important titles, by many Hassidic Rabbis, published in Lemberg. The 
later portions list and summarize works of R' Simha Bunim Michelson, 
R' Israel Berger, Kleinman, Yudel Rosenberg, including works 
published in the early 20th Cent. (prior to WWI)  in Pietrokow. 
Finally, the book Hutim Hameshulashim, by R' Avraham Stern (Montreal, 
1953) which contains many tales some different versions of stories 
previously published is discussed.

The values and archetypes of the Tzadik are examined and the tensions 
between Jewish social classes, Hassidim and Misnagdim are all 
explored in a comprehensive, scholarly work that will be one of the 
significant works of Jewish History and Literature of the 21st Cen. CE.

All this leaves us with a little problem. This is a not an Israeli 
publication.  Cat. no. 68107  $78.00

And last, Tzror Hamor by Rabbi Avraham Sabba, Translated and 
Annotated by: Eliyahu Munk

Rabbi Avraham Sabba was born in Castile in 1440 and spent the first 
50 years of his life in parts of Spain where Jews lived in prosperity 
and security. He wrote many books, among them the Torah commentary 
Tzror hamor. His genius is evident from the manner in which he 
selects hundreds of quotations from the Zohar, the most famous 
mystical text, in which he demonstrates that the author of the Zohar 
is capable of being understood by the average Jew, (as opposed to 
scholars) and that the Zohar is helpful in understanding many 
difficult passages in the Torah.

He was forced into exile to Portugal in 1492, and to North Africa in 
1497 after not only being persecuted and seeing many members of his 
family killed, but he had to rewrite this commentary completely from 
memory, as in Fez, Morocco he had no library at his disposal. He died 
on board ship on the way to Italy and was buried in Verona in 1510

The translator, Eliyahu Munk, was born in Frankfurt on Main, where he 
received his education at the Samson Rafael Hirsch Realschule, and 
the Yeshiva of the late Rabbi Joseph Breuer, of blessed memory. He 
continued his education at the Yeshiva in Gateshead, England. He 
served in Jewish education (primarily as a teacher) for almost 30 
years in Toronto, Canada.

5 Vols., Hardcover, Boxed Set, ISBN: 978-965-524-013-9, Publication: 2008 67530  $166.00.

We have had a couple of Yiddish titles in recent months, if you'd 
like more information – just ask.

We are proud that we hae located many important titles on Jewish Life 
in Turkestan, Kazakstan, Azerbaijan in Russian by different, leading 
scholars who spent years stydying documents in archives in those 
countries and Moscow.  For these, please be in touch.

We would like to end with 2 new music cd's – Yasmin Levy on / in 
Ladino and Hava Alberstein.

Waiting to hear from you!

B'vracha.  Jeff

Jeff Spitzer
Jerusalem Books Ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem, 91261, Israel
(Tel) 972-2-642-6653/6576
(Fax)  972-2-643-3580

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