         This is  new product from Gale that has many fine features 
in terms of  its  flexibility.  It is rich and covers many 
topics.  But unfortunately it does have a bias that does not please 
anyone who cares about Israeli coverage and an unbiased look at the 
Middle East.   Granted there are many fewer  news resources from 
Israel than there are from all  of the Arab world and Middle East in 
general, but this product so far has one newspaper from Israel.  It 
is' Globes- Tel Aviv', an economic newspaper.  That is it.
  Over the past 2 days, I've been bringing this fact to the attention 
of hasafran and the members of HVLA,  the Hudson Valley Library 
Association of which I am a member.  What follows is a letter by one 
of the HVLA librarians who was equally disturbed by this 
realization.  Her letter to one of the product managers at Gale, the 
producer of this product, tells how she feels.  She has given me 
permission to share this with you for your information.
I have been in touch with several people at Gale who say they are 
working on remedying this situation.  The product is brand new and 
hopefully shortly they will have  multiple Israeli sources  as part 
of the resources from which they draw their information  and  which 
they offer to their subscribers.  We can never rely completely on an 
aggregator, but their should have some attempt  to cover more than 
just one side from the locale and all references to the other from 
external sources.

I'm sorry that I have to inform you of this.  I like the product and 
hope that they will come through with acceptable Israeli  sources.

                                 Marion Stein

Marion M. Stein, Librarian
The Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
20 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10023
(212) 246-7717 Ext 11639

"Manners are of more importance than laws.  Manners are what vex or soothe
corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us,
by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation,
like that of the air we breathe in." Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

----- Original Message -----

Hi Craig:
Happy New Year! Sorry I didn't return your message; it's my 1st week back
from break, and I'm still digging out.
To be honest, I'm concerned about the bias in your products. I previewed
"Global Issues in Context" and I noticed that Gale does not provide
articles from major Israeli news outlets about the conflict in Gaza. Why
is the coverage unbalanced?
Moreover,Hamas members are described as 'militants'. I believe that the
US, along with other nations has classified Hamas as a terrorist organization.
The same bias exists in your "Custom Newspaper" database; there is minor
representation of Israeli media. I would think that Gale would make an
effort to include more stories from a country that has such a vital role
in world politics.
After the "Encyclopedia of Racism" fiasco, I would think that Gale would
have made more effort to provide fair and balanced views on world issues.

Rhonda Rigrodsky
Director of Library Services
The Birch Wathen Lenox School
210 E. 77th St.
New York, NY 10075
Phone:(1-212) 861-0404
Fax:  (1-212) 879-5309

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