Full color memorial book published in memory of the students killed 
at Mercaz Harav last year:

Princes among Men: Memories of Eight Young Souls

When an Arab terrorist infiltrated Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva 
on Thursday evening, March 6, 2008, and mercilessly slaughtered 8 
high-school students while seriously wounding dozens of others, the 
tragic event sent immediate shock waves that were felt, almost 
instantly, throughout the Jewish world. These were eight young men, 
engaged in sacred study, in the springtime of their lives. They had 
family and friends. They were loved, and suddenly, they were lost.

Through the horror and loss, the grief and suffering – family, 
friends, classmates and teachers reached out to one another in an 
effort to respectfully fill the void. They discovered that by sharing 
and remembering these eight precious souls, by telling and retelling 
stories of their friendship, their scholarship, and their unique 
character traits…the process itself provided a source of great comfort.

It is now a year since their passing and many of these shared 
stories, recollections, impressions, along with profound words of 
Torah written by family members, friends, and teachers have been 
collected into this precious volume. Princes Among Men: Memories of 
Eight Young Souls is a wellspring of inspiration and a lasting 
tribute that enables the light of their lives to shine and keep on shining.

This book is available from Baker & Taylor and the publisher 
(Feldheim): 1-800-237-7149

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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