Dear Judaica librarians in New England and beyond,

We are happy to announce a one day conference on the following topic:

Maximizing library services through resource sharing.

This conference will take place Friday, June 19, 2009,  10:00 - 3:00, 
at Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, CT

We hope to have two 45 minute sessions in the morning, two after 
lunch, with a possible lunch-time presentation as well.  If you would 
like to give a presentation,  please send your proposal to our 
program chairs, Marie Cloutier and Gil Rosen, by May 1st:  ;

It would help us to hear from you by May 1 about whether you're 
seriously considering coming to our event.  RSVP to conference chairs 
Jane Zande and Ann Abrams.  This RSVP will not obligate you to come, 
but it will help us in our planning.

  We will send out a registration form soon, and the deadline will be 
June 5 for conference registration.

In the spirit of these economic times, there will be no charge for 
this conference, nor will fees be offered to our presenters.  And, we 
cannot offer financial help in getting you there.  We will be happy 
to help arrange car-pools from the Greater Boston area, and we invite 
you to bring a dairy or pareve bag lunch. Coffee, tea, water and soft 
drinks will be available.

And the value of the program and all who come......Priceless!

We hope you'll join us on June 19th!

The June 19 conference planning committee:

Ann Abrams, Temple Israel, Boston; Bea Brodie, Congregation Beth 
Israel; Marie Cloutier,  Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline, MA; 
Danielle Stordy,  Congregation Beth Israel;  Gil Rosen, Temple 
Emanuel, Newton, MA; Jane Zande, Congregation Beth Israel;  and Sara 
Ravid, Maimonides School, Brookline, MA;

c/o Ann Abrams, President, NEAJL


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