Book Release: A Vow Fulfilled ­ The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miracles

Targum Press

22700 W. Eleven Mile, Southfield, MI 48034

Contact Israel Office: 972-2-651-3355

Allison Fried, Marketing Director


 From barbed wire to antique brass; from the depths of degradation to 
a life of philanthropy and purpose.

Jerusalem, Israel (May 2009) ­ Targum Press is proud to present A Vow 
Fulfilled – The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miracles, a tale of 
the tenacity of the human spirit and its ability to hope and to love, 
to rebuild and to recreate.

"We, the survivors, can only hope that we are leaving a legacy of 
courage, determination, and heroism." These are the powerful and 
poignant words of Mrs. Fran Laufer, founder of the famed Fran Laufer 
Collection, words that characterize exactly the life that Fran and 
her husband Simon built for themselves after the hell of Hitler's 
death camps ­ a life of courage, determination, and heroism. 
Notwithstanding the tribulations of financial setbacks and a 
stillborn baby, a daughter's divorce and a son-in-law's untimely 
passing, and despite their ever-present haunting memories, the 
Laufers worked tirelessly and selflessly to fulfill the vow they had 
made to their martyred families: to raise a new generation of Jews in 
a Torah-true fashion.

They succeeded in doing more than just that. The financial empire 
they built facilitated the creation and support of numerous Jewish 
institutions: Rivkah Laufer Bikur Cholim, Young Israel of Hillcrest 
and Deerfield Beach, the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, the Chasidic 
dynasty of Bobov and Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem. Their dedicated 
support of yeshivos and synagogues enabled them to spearhead the 
resurgence of Jewish life in the post-war world.

A Vow Fulfilled is a story to inspire; it gives us hope and faith in 
the goodness of humanity and the opportunities that life has to 
offer. As Fran recounts her experiences, her gentle Polish lilt is 
virtually heard on each page, telling of pain, of a fierce to desire 
to live, and of the heartwarming adoration felt for the husband who 
was everything to her. Hers is the story of a woman who created, 
together with her husband, to forge a new life for themselves and 
fill it with profound love for and dedication to their family, their 
community, and the Jewish people.

A Vow Fulfilled is more than a Holocaust diary; it is a tribute to 
the human being's capacity to endure, to love, to dream, and to fulfill.


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