1.  Widely regarded as mark of respect that you visited the grave of a
distinguished scholar. Became generalized to show you visited any grave.
This was the answer I gave in Berlin as to why headstone for Moses
Mendelssohn shows these stones.

2. "Tallit," although used TODAY to mean "prayer shawl," simply means "bolt
of cloth. See Baba Metziah 1:1 and
aham-joshua.html  Baba Metziah"

1) If two people are grasping a cloak:  One says, "I found it" and the other
says, "I found it", or one says "It's all mine", and the other says, "It's
all mine", they each swear that they don't own more than half of the cloak
and they split the cloak.

2) (If) one says, "It's all mine" and the other says, "It's half mine", the
one who says, "It's all mine" swears that he doesn't own less than ¾ and the
one who says "It's half mine" swears that he doesn't own less than ¼, and
the former takes ¾ and the latter takes ¼.

It is the tzittzit that make it a prayer shawl. This *may* be derived from
"Gather us from the four corners (kanfot) of the earth. See for example
esnum=3 but others may want to comment. Indeed, the prayer for putting on
the tallit is "Who commanded us to wrap ourselves in the tzittzit."

Dr. Don Weinshank Professor Emeritus Comp. Sci. & Eng.
1520 Sherwood Ave., East Lansing MI 48823-1885
Ph. 517.337.1545   FAX 517.337.1665


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