Dear Attendees:

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Chicago nest week at an 
exciting convention,
plus fireworks and celebrations.

For your travel may we remind the reader in each one of you of some 
celebrated old titles set
in Chicago:

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (we do not have such a thing any more)
"House on Mango Street" by Sandcra Cisneros.
"Native son" by Richard Wright.
"Studs Lonigan" a trilogy by James T. Farrell.
"The adventures of Augie March" by Saul Bellows.
City on the make" by Nelson Algren.
"Chicago Poems" by Carl Sandburg.
"Boss" by Mike Royko

We wish you safe travel.

Shoshanah Seidman
Co-chair AJL 2009 in Chicago


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