Shavua tov, safranim:

I have a question...I am beginning to work on a thesis about transfer 
and provision of information in Jewish libraries (located in 
synagogues) as well as sections in public libraries and universities 
that are not necessarily Jewish-administered/e.g. secular or publicly-funded.

What sorts of materials would not be provided?  For example would an 
interpretation of Talmud from an Anti-Semitic perspective be found in 
a Jewish library? Particularly one in a Synagogue or Temple library?

I am wondering to what degree I might look at Jewish-administered 
private libraries as a respite from such things - ??

I am not asking about censorship per se - just what appears to be the 
right thing to do.  I noticed that there are some book (fictional) 
that some of us have said (on this forum) that they do not see as 
appropriate.  Just curious as to thoughts on this subject.

As always I am grateful to your kind responses -

today rabah



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