One of our congregants has published his folio/artist's book and it 
is truly amazing.
I am posting this announcement to Hasafran because I thought other 
librarians might have some interest.
If you would like me to email a photo or if you would like more 
information about it, please let me know.

Jane Zande

Congregation Beth Israel

West Hartford, CT

The 42-Letter Name

Robert Kirschbaum

The 42-Letter Name is a print folio/artist's book that functions as a 
visual commentary on concepts found in early Jewish mysticism 
relating to The Creation. The folio consists of forty-two images, 
reflecting the forty-two letters of one of the secret names of God, 
an acrostic made of thefirst letter of each word in a nearly 
2,000-year-old prayer, the Ana B'koach. The 42-Letter Namealso draws 
inspiration from Russian constructivist art, South Asian art 
traditions, and the artist's memories of being prepared for entry 
into adulthood in the Jewish tradition, while studying drafting in a 
middle school shop class.

Printed letterpress on 500 gm Somerset paper, 42 unbound prints -- 
white-line relief images, drawn in a method of axonometric projection 
– come in a handmade paper wrapper, along with an 8-page text 
booklet, all contained in a clamshell box. The booklet includes two 
essays: "Secret Names," by Trinity College Professor of Religion 
Ronald C. Kiener, and an introduction by the artist.

The clamshell box, measuring 12-3/4" x 9-3/4" x 1-7/8", is covered in 
Dutch linen stamped with a rendition of the Hebrew 42-letter 
Name.  As such, it echoes the function of an amulet case. The text is 
set in TheSans, a typeface by Lucas de Groot, accompanied by the 
Hebrew Raanana. Printing is by Robin Price, booklet design by Ken 
Botnick, box by Sarah Creighton

Published in an edition of 20 with 5 artist's proofs, in the fall of 2009.

$2,000 plus shipping and applicable taxes.

For additional information:

Robert Kirschbaum

PO Box 370062

West Hartford, CT 06137



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