I agree with Lee that  the portrait of Orthodox life in the film 
"arranged is  positive and that it is entertaining but I wish to 
point a few issues.
I watched it in Charlotte NC's Jewish film festival. I assume that 
the producers are Jewish.  The attempt to be politically correct 
bothered me. The insensitive assistant director  aggressiveness 
and   does not have to be the key to the story.This is a public 
school the director does not have to be Jewish and (of course) 
obnoxious . I was more troubled by the effort to show the Islamic 
family as much more positive than the Jewish one.  When the Jewish 
girl invites her Muslem friend to her house the mother does not 
welcome her because she is afraid that it will affect her daughters 
chance to find an appropriate shiduch. On the other hand the Jewish 
teacher is welcome in her Muslem friend's home.  The Muslem rejects 
one much older and impolite suitor. The second one is perfect. At the 
same time her Jewish friend is introduced to half a dozen klutzes and 
finally find the right hatan in a way that works only in movies.
The young women friendship is the best part of the movie because it 
is believable.
Amalia Warshenbrot,  Charlotte North Carolina


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