Dear all,

Please find our pre-Chanukah newsletter attached.  If there is any 
problem with the attachment, please let us know.

Have a good weekend.  Wendy

Wendy Weiss Simon

Jerusalem Books Ltd.

POB 26190

Jerusalem, 91261, Israel

(Tel) 972-2-642-6653/6576

(Fax)  972-2-643-3580

  Done. 18.11.10

Dear Friends,

So many exciting books so many topics the question is what to mention 
and highlight.

Rachel Elior is the editor of and contributor to a new book published 
by Magnes, entitled, 'Gan B'Eden Mi-Kedem,' ''A Garden Eastward in 
Eden.' This book includes research by leading scholars into the 
Biblical, Philosophic, Religious, and Cultural aspects and effects of 
the Garden of Eden, story, even concept throughout history.

This book, which contains over fifty pages in English including a 
forward and introduction by Prof. Rachel Elior and a synopsis of each 
of the articles in the book is highly recommended for all Bible and 
Judaica, libraries, scholars and students.
Cat. 75353   $36.00

Even though Bible is a separate category and the abovementioned work 
is scholarly and from an academic press, the overlap with Rabbinics / 
Sifrei Kodesh is obvious and sometimes a scholarly Sefer Kodesh, 
Rabbinic work, on Tanakh will merit inclusion in the Bible category 
rather than (or along with) the Rabbinics category. I find that this 
is so particularly regarding scholarly works on Bible, critical 
analysis from certain Mikhlellot / Colleges,  (like Mikhlelet Herzog, 
Ariel, Liphshitz or Bar Ilan or the Schechter Institute.
It is definitely so for our Jerusalem Books newsletter as well.

Shamma Friedman, distinguished professor at the Shechter Institute, 
editor of the Talmud Ha-Iggud series has published another work 
through the Bet Midrash la-Rabbanim be-America, Jerusalem and NY, 
(Jewish Theological Seminary / JTS) and it is entitled,'Sugiyot 
be-Heker ha-Talmud ha-Bavli,' and in English, 'Talmudic Studies 
Investigating the Sugya, Variant Readings, and Aggada.' This work, in 
Hebrew, is scholarly and a critical analysis of the Babylonian Talmud 
of the 3rd – 5th Cent. CE including structural and linguistic 
components and clues, if you will. The book also explores the Talmud 
through a scholarly and critical examination of the Aggada, the 
Midrashic tales and writings as well.

The very high level of scholarship is significant and its roots in 
the 'school' of Prof. Saul Lieberman and Prof. David Weiss Halivny 
likewise tangible and significant. This work is a must have for 
Judaica Research Libraries, for Judaica, Rabbinics, Talmud 
researchers, professors, teachers and serious students and will be 
the basis of much study in future years.  Cat. #75345  $49.50

It is the exception to the rule, which proves the rule, it is often 
said. 'Ha-Yeshiva Ha-Rama be-Fiorda,' written and edited by Benjamin 
Shlomo Hamburger is perhaps an example of one of the many exceptions. 
The three-volume work is an example of a scholarly rabbinic work on 
Jewish History, or more accurately the History of German Jewry. The 
treatise covers early Jewish History from Italy to Germany. It begins 
with a scholarly chronicle of the Jewish community in Nuremberg and 
the founding of this important community in Fioreda aka Furth in the 
15th Century CE. The work documents the history, important figures 
and publications from its beginnings until the destruction by Nazis 
in the 20th Cent. CE. While not from an academic press, the 
comprehensive, encyclopedic work, published by 'Machon Moreshet 
Ashkenaz, has footnotes, cites, indices and is genuinely scholarly. 
This 3 volume set is highly recommended for any Judaica Library, 
Jewish Research library, and any students or scholars interested in 
Jewish History in general or German Jewish History in particular. 
Cat. 75163  $94.50

  'Sefer Netivot Mordekhai', a work on Talmud, Gittin tractate, was 
published in 2006 by Machon Ofek. The work was by Rabbi Gifter of 
Telz (hassudut). The work, author and publisher were recognized 
enough to generate some interest and demand umong our clients. Also 
in 2009 the volume on Kiddushin was published (by Ofek). Now, Sefer 
Netivot Mordekhai on Talmud, Yebamot tractate, (2 volumes), has come 
out and some of our customers have an SO based on the fact that this 
was published by Ofek and they want whatever is newly published by 
this publisher.  The thing is the new publisher is Nahor Safra. What 
are the best steps that a vendor should take?  Obviously, we notify 
our customers that the publisher has changed. Simultaneously we order 
the books for our customers and make notes in our computer database 
regarding the change. With a little luck any customer who doesn't 
want the book will have ample time to let us know before the book(s) 
go out. Since the title, series and author remain the same, the 
default setting here should be that the SO stands and hopefully the 
change in publisher is a bibliographic detail. (BTW we take returns 
and sometimes just give a credit.)  While, this is after all not the 
most important or exciting choice we are faced with, business, like 
life, is filled with many dilemmas, which we encounter and deal with, 
as best we can.
Cat. 75336  $89.00

Finally, I would like to mention a couple, few titles in English 
worth noting. We have seen some lovely books published by Maggid 
Press "an imprint of Koren Publishers Jerusalem, (First Ed.) 2010. 
Specifically, 'Vision and Valor,' by Rabbi Berl Wein, an Illustrated 
History of Talmud, isbn  978 159 264 286 1.  The book is scholarly, 
yet accessible and covers 200 years of early, Jewish History, through 
chapters on Amoraim, the Sages of Babylon (and Israel) who discussed, 
argued, edited and compiled the Talmud. The book, which makes 
reference to the author's earlier work on the Mishna and books by 
Mesora and Mossad Harav Kook, cover the early 3rd century CE up thru 
the middle of the 5th Cent. CE examining the lives and teachings of 
the Amoraim, the Sages who distilled and compiled this monumental 
work of Jewish Law, culture, legend, ethics and more.  Cat. 
#  75289   $ 38.00

  Maggid Press has also published important books, such as Covenant 
and Conversation, by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of United 
Hebrew Congregations of Britain, on the book of Exodus. (The volume 
on Genesis has been published but Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy 
are forthcoming.) Cat. #  75292   $ 27.00

Wishing all of you a Happy Hannuka from all of us at Jerusalem Books,



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