On Sunday afternoon, AJL's Greater Cleveland Chapter had its annual 
Jewish Book Month Tea.  Abraham Socher, the editor of the Jewish 
Review of Books and director of the Jewish Studies Program at Oberlin 
College was the speaker and his talk, with lively discussion 
afterwards, inspired me to urge all Jewish librarians to subscribe to 
the Jewish Review of Books if you haven't already.  The fourth issue 
will be published in January and in one short year, a whole new forum 
for Jewish ideas, Jewish books, and Jewish culture has emerged as a 
bright light in the Jewish community.  Who writes for it?  Some of 
the best thinkers in Jewish life today: Hillel Halkin, Robert Alter, 
Dara Horn, and Ruth Wisse to name a few.  What is the writing 
like?  Intelligent, erudite but readable – accessible to the lay 
reader.  What is its point of view?  Here is Abe Socher's statement 
from the first issue: "The Jewish Review of Books is a forum, not a 
platform; a conversation, not a polemic.  In particular, it is 
founded in the conviction that the ideas and achievements of Jewish 
religion, literature, and scholarship are interesting and valuable in 
and of themselves.  They are not reducible to any position or 
program, no matter how worthy."  The subscription rate is very low - 
$19.95 for one year in the U.S. and $29.95 in Canada -  and 
subscription information can be found 
atwww.jewishreviewofbooks.com.  If you don't already subscribe, do 
yourself, your library collection, and your readers a favor and sign 
up now.   Jewish libraries are about ideas and ideas abound in the 
new Jewish Review of Books!

(Also posted on Facebook)

Linda R. Silver

The Jewish Valuesfinder, www.ajljewishvalues.org

3729 Meadowbrook Blvd.

University Heights, OH  44118



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