Emily Bergman wrote:

Any suggestions for Jewish libraries to visit... Paris Feb. 4-19 
....I neither speak nor read French.

Has anyone mentioned the Institut André et Rina Nehr, on 39 rue 
Broca, 75005 (Paris), yet?

The library is here:

The contacts at IAR all speak English. Yoam Slusarensky is the 
library contact tel +0142171093 (i think france is telephone code 33).
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Have a fun trip. Bundle up good. You are going to freeze the hair off 
your toes and the humidity is insoportable. Other than that Paris is 
always a good time especially if you stay at an international youth 
hostel. Don't miss the Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries at the Museum 
of Medieval History where you can also enjoy an intensely cool 
exhibit of medieval torture devices.
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presª
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia  (Espana)
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
UStream:   http://www.lajavura.org/ustream/html
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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