Dear safranim,

If there's anything on this list you'd like, please reply just to me, 
with the item #, title and author of what you'd like, and your 
mailing address.  I will reply within a week as to what I'll be able 
to send you.    The books are free, we ask for reimbursement for 
postage/handling, if possible (MEDIA MAIL, US;  outside US - 
reimbursement for whatever's the cheapest way)

If you are in the Boston area, and can come by to pick them up, that 
would be preferred.   We also have many more not on this list to be 
given away - all Judaica titles, most  non-fiction, a hand-ful of 
novels.  All in good condition.   The ones on this list were the 
titles I thought would be of most interest to hasafran folks.


Ann Abrams, Librarian
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

Check out our new online catalog!


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