These titles, all associated with exhibits held at the Jewish Museum 
in New York are available postpaid with the US for the prices listed 
below. To reserve copies of any or all of the below please call 
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Sussmann, Elisabeth and Wasserman, Fred." Eva Hesse Sculpture." New 
York, The Jewish Museum, New York, Under the Auspices of the Jewish 
Theological Seminary of America, and Yale University Press, New 
Haven, 2006. Quarto, glossy stiff paper covers with flaps, color 
frontispiece, xiv, 175 pp., color and b/w illustrations, exhibitions 
checklist, notes, selected bibliography, Exhibitions and Reviews, 
1968, contributors, index. Foreword by Joan Rosenbaum. Preface by 
Sussman and Wasserman. Articles are "Eva Hesse: Sculpture 1968," 
Sussman, "Dumb," Yve-Alain Bois, "A String of Nots: Eva Hesse's 
Hanging Sculpture," Mark Godfrey, "Building a Childhood Memory: The 
Diaries of Eva Hesse's Early Years," Wasserman, and "Chronology of 
Eva Hesse's Life," Beth Turk. (36755)     $20.00

Klein, Mason, edited by. "Modigliani: Beyond the Myth." New York, The 
Jewish Museum, New York, and Yale University Press, New Haven, 2004. 
Quarto, glossy paper covers, frontispiece illustration, xiv, 241 pp., 
color illustrations and b/w photos, Chronology by Barbara Paltenghi, 
exhibition checklist, notes, selected bibliography, contributors, 
index. Softbound. Foreword by Joan Rosenbaum. Articles are 
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Struggle," Griselda Pollock, "Epilogue: The Modigliani Myth," Maurice 
Berger. (36756)      $20.00

Gilbert, Barbara C., edited by. "Max Liebermann: >From Realism to 
Impressionism." Los Angeles and Seattle, Skirball Cultural Center, 
distributed by the University of Washington Press, 2005. Quarto, 
glossy color illustrated paper covers, b/w frontispiece photo, 232 
pp., b/w photos and color plates, chronology, checklist, selected 
bibliography, credits, index. Softbound. Articles are "Why Max 
Liebermann at the Skirball Cultural Center?" Uri D. Herscher, 
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C. Gilbert, "Max Liebermann: A Long and Fruitful Career," Gilbert, 
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Marion F. Deshmukh, "Gentleman's Agreement: Belief and 
Disillusionment in the Art of Max Liebermann," Mason Klein, "Max 
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(58712)      $20.00

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