Newsletter from Jerusalem Books
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Dear Friends,

In the areas of Bible, Jewish Thought – Philosophy and Rabbinics 
there have been some serious books published lately in Israel.

Recently we have seen 'Seder beit ha-din ha-rabani : 3 vols,' 'Civil 
Procedure in Rabbinical Courts,' by Eliav Shochetman. It is a 
comprehensive legal work on the nuts and bolts of legal procedure in 
the Rabbinic courts and is 3 scholarly volumes. It includes 
references to Jewish sources, includes Rabbinic teachings, halakha in 
practice, comparative jurisprudence, and Talmudic 
philosophy.  Cat.  77258    $400.00

Some very important titles from Mossad harav Kook are worth 
mentioning.  Firmly under Bible or/as well as Rabbinics –Sifre 
Kodesh:  'Torat Haim : Ruth: Shir ha-Shirim,' edited by R' 
Mordechai  Lev Katzenelenbogen.  The text according to the Keter Aram 
Zuba tradition and manuscripts and the work of R' Mordechai Breuer 
(Broyer).  This edition includes many important commentaries  and is 
scholarly and recommended for any library of Jewish 
Studies.  Cat.  77525  $59.00

' Hokhma penimit ve-hokhma hitsonot,' by R' Zvi Einfeld has also been 
published by Mossad Harav Kook and is a significant work on the 
influence of Greek Philosophy on Jewish Thought and Sages.  The role 
of Greek thought in the teachings of R Meir ibn Gabbai and R' Lowe 
the Maharal of Prague are analyzed.  The book is interesting and 
enlightening and is a 'must have.' Cat.  77521   $29.00

  Rabbi Alexander Safran has written 'Hen ve-Hesed,' 'Ethics of 
Kabbala.' The author was Chief Rabbi of Romania and later Switzerland 
(1940-2006). The book was originally published in Paris, in French, 
entitled, 'Sagesse de la Kabbale,' and now has been translated by 
Ruth Bar Ilan and edited and published by R' Yosef Eliyahu Movshovitz 
and Mossad Harav Kook, Jerusalem 2011. Many libraries and scholars 
may want this Hebrew edition.  Cat. 77522   $ 44.00

An important and undercollected  area are the teachings and works of 
Sephardi Sages.  One such title, 'Sha'ar ha-mikdash,' the teachings 
of Rabbi David ben Shimon (aka the Tsuf Devash ). This important 
leader and scholar emigrated from Morroco to Jerusalem in the mid 
19th Cent. CE.  He was a leader of the Maghreb Jewish community and 
founded an important synagogue and community in Jerusalem . They were 
known as the 'westeners' as opposed to the earlier, wider term: 
'mizrahi'im. 'The book is one of Jewish Philosophy. His teachings and 
Bible commentary are cited and analyzed and beautifully 
presented.  The book is edited and written by R' Eran 
Alfassi.    Cat. 77523   $29.00

Yigal Ariel has written, 'Aggada Shel Nehama,' which has been 
published by Sifriyat Bet El. This monumental work is on the Midrash 
of Ekah and deals with exile and redemption. This book, which is 
scholarly and serious is over 600 pages. It is Bible and Philosophy 
and its importance in the areas of Israel Studies, Zionism and 
politics should also be recognized.    Cat.  77524 $39.00

'Or Olam,' is a new book by Mordechai Sheriki, on the Life and 
teachings of the Ramhal, R Moshe Haym Luzzato z"l the 18th Century 
CE, Italian Jewish Scholar, Philopher and Kabbalist. His influence 
throughout the 19th and 20thCenturies CE has been powerful. The book 
is scholarly and traverses philosophy,  Kabbala and ethics as well as 
Jewish History. Published by Machon Ha-Ramhal.   Cat.  77509     $  33.00

Sa'ar publishing has released 'Nashim me-Fatot b'tanakh,' Women 
Temptresses in the Bible, by Yomi Eni. It is a provocative look at 
the use of sex in the Bible. Female figures and their motivations and 
circumstances are evaluated from Ruth to Rahab, Avishag, Deleila, 
Sheba..    Cat.  77603       $ 33.00

While there are even more titles worth mentioning and acquiring and 
many that should be skipped these last  two titles are important not 
only because they are scholarly, critical academic treatments of the 
subject matter but also for two other reasons.  First, the breadth 
and interdisciplinary approach to the topics and finally that they 
are a product of an academic institution publishing  significant 
research in Jewish Studies, namely  Tevunot publishing, Mikhlelet 
Herzog (College).

"U- Ve- Hag ha-sukkot,"  'Studies on the festival Sukkot,' is a 
collection of scholarly articles edited by Amnon Bazak. The religious 
festival is analyzed from Pholosophical, Halakhic, Biblical and 
Rabbinic textual and liturgical poetry perspectives. Isbn 
978-965-7086-50-6. The work is highly recommended. Cat. 77586   $53.00

  Herzog College has published another major, important book 
entitled, 'Mavo le-Midrashim,' 'Introduction to the Midrashic 
Literature,' by Anat Reizel. This book based on twenty years of 
collection, examination and research into this field. The book 
examines what are the Midrashim, namely the nature of non-cannonical 
Jewish Folklore and exegetical compositions. Comparisons to Mishna 
and Talmud are made and the difference between Tanaitic and Amoraic 
Midrashim is discussed. These earliest Hebrew literary works, besides 
the Bible : Tana"kh, especially the major ones on Exodus, Numbers and 
Deuteronomy, are examined separating the 'halacha,' commandments and 
Jewish Law from the Aggada, the legends and folkloric 
traditions.  The Midrash'im  are each analyzed critically, 
linguistically and substantively regarding content. The writing is 
super scholarly, clear and understandable and the book will be a 
source of reference and study in the 21st Cent CE.  Isbn 978 965 7086 
47 6, Mikhlelelt Herzog, Alon Shevut, Israel 2011. Cat. #  77526   $ 35.00

In closing I would like to mention and acclaim the recent outstanding 
AJL convention in Montreal  which was a great venue and a wonderful 
chance to meet with our clients and friends. Once again, I would like 
to thank all our friends who have the interest and patience for 
newsletters such as this and for our work at Jerusalem Books ltd.


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books ltd.

Jerusalem Books ltd.

POB 26190, Jerusalem 91261, Israel

Tel: 972-2-642-6576  Fax: 972-2-643-3580


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