I realize that by the time this note is published, this will be old 
news, but here goes, anyway (or just in case, no one else posts it) 
and for those who didn't see it, yet; as a matter of fact, JPS and U 
of Nebraska Press announced it on their websites ten days ago as of 
this post; my apologies to those of you already familiar with this big news:

"The University of Nebraska Press and The Jewish Publication Society 
Announce Collaborative Publishing Agreement
September 13, 2011

"The University of Nebraska Press will soon begin handling the 
publication, distribution and marketing of books released by The 
Jewish Publication Society.

"The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska approved purchase 
of JPS inventory during its Sept. 9 meeting. The JPS Board of 
Trustees approved the collaborative agreement Sept.13..."

"...The agreement will become effective Jan. 1, 2012..."

The rest of the statement can be read at

http://www.jewishpub.org/about/news.php?id=130 and 

"Jewish Publication Society Sale Brings End to Era: Nebraska Press 
Purchase Is Latest in String of 'Institutional Intermarriages'"

"By Jonathan Sarna

"Published September 23, 2011, issue of September 30, 2011.

"The University Press of Nebraska's purchase in September of the 
unsold inventory and publication rights to all of the Jewish 
Publication Society's books effectively rings down the curtain on the 
oldest and most prestigious active Jewish publisher in the United 
States. It also marks the latest in a string of institutional 
"intermarriages" between Jewish and non-Jewish organizations.

"JPS will continue to develop and sign new titles as a separate 
imprint, but it will no longer publish, sell or distribute books on 
its own. Its success from now on depends on its non-Jewish partner: a 
secular university press headquartered in Lincoln, Neb..."

The rest of this article can be seen at http://forward.com/articles/143236/


Elliot H. Gertel
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica
AJL/ALA Liaison
The University of Michigan
Near East Division, Area Programs
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Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1190
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