Dear Safranim

Shana Tova to all of you. Please consider the following new 
publication concerning a Turkish Jewish businessman:

Adrian Streather, Monsieur Bernar Nahum, Citlenbik Yay nlar , 
stanbul, 2011, 376 p., ISBN: 9789944424851 in english


Bernar Nahum, the silent pioneer of Turkey's automotive industry, was 
a passionate entrepreneur who worked behind the scenes to promote and 
build a viable automotive sector in Turkey. never content to see 
Turkey develop only as an importer or assembler of automobiles, he 
worked diligently to carve out a manufacturing industry in a newly 
established republic that lacked resources, infrastructure, and experience.
A determined and impassioned Turkish citizen and patriot, Bernar 
Nahum was not only the driving force behind the development of the 
Ford and Fiat interests in Turkey, but also of the Türk Traktör 
Company. His is the fascinating and often satirical story of how he 
transformed Ford's original disdain of Turkey into a Ford-Koc 
Corporation partnership that became profitable for both countries and 
it was his adventures as a tractor salesman on the untraveled back 
roads of Anatolia in the 1920s and 30s that eventually led to the 
leadership role that Turkey today plays in tractor production sector.
Not simply a chronicle of one man's life, this book details 
thereconstruction of a nation that had been torn apart by war and bad 
governance. Bernar Nahum emerges as one of the many actors who joined 
in the struggle to propel Turkey to a leadership role in the region 
and one of the forces that led Turkey to the secure position it enjoys today.


Price $ 25.- plus postage
Payment: by credit card

In case you want to enter orders. Please contact us directly.


Rifat Bali
Libra Books
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel :  90 - 212 - 232 99 04 / 05
Fax:  90 - 212 - 231 11 29


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