Attention School, Synagogue and Center Libraries:

Has your library received accreditation from the AJL? The Association 
of Jewish Libraries Synagogue, School and Center Division (SSC) 
offers a certificate of accreditation, at basic as well as advanced 
levels, to libraries that qualify.  This year's deadline for applying 
is January 20, 2012 and the Accreditation Committee invites you to 
apply! Accreditation is encouraged to help libraries achieve a high 
professional level in accordance with the SSC guidelines.  It is an 
effective way to show your institution that your achievements deserve 
its support.  Guidance and mentoring are available for libraries 
applying for accreditation.

If the accreditation section on the AJL website 
( is not yet live, please contact Leah 
Moskovits, Accreditation Chair ( 
for accreditation information and application forms.


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