vagabonds of the world- the history of Jewish people in over 120 lands

         The history of Jewish people and the related events in over 
120 lands (five continents)
presented in the book in each land separately in the following 
specific format: their migration
and settlement, their socioeconomic conditions, cultural and 
religious status and activities,
prominent people among them, their organizations and population in 
each land through the
course of time - along with more than 200 photographs and illustrations.

         History of certain religions such as Zoroastrianism, 
Christianity, Islam and Baha'i is
briefly presented in the book.

         The last section of the book, the addendum, contains 
discussions on various topics
including: Basic Information, The medical Profession and the 
Holocaust, short biography
of a number of Righteous People among the Nations (non-Jews, who 
accommodated and
saved the Jews and other people during the Holocaust), anti-Semitism, 
Popes  and the
Jews and other subjects.

        The book is very valuable source of information and reference 
for students and the
people interested in history and historical events which have been 
occurred since ancient
era up to 2010 and presented in over 800 pages.

        Self-published by Dr, Mike Michaels- May 2011

        Dr. Mike Michaels is a physician and educator, former 
assistant professor at Temple
University Medical School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has written 
extensively on Jewish
history and historic events and on medical topics as well. He is the 
author of several books
including " Biography of Prominent Jews around the World" , " History 
of Tolerant People"
and poetry books. He is well known speaker in Jewish communities in 
various states
specially Pennsylvania, New York and California.

ISBN 978-0-615-46671-2
Hard cover book
Price: $ 41.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling
For further information and purchase please co0ntact:
       1) mike and soroosh @
       2) sorooshmi @
       3) Phone (215) 343-4411
       4) Baker-printing: www, or (610) 566-0691

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