Hi Safranim,

I would like to recommend the author Wendy Dubow Polins, who speaks 
to groups about her new literary novel, "Fare Forward" and recently 
opened up the Dallas Book Fair. She is an engaging speaker and a 
pleasure to work with. (She is from the Boston area, but has events 
planned around the country.) Her book explores the rich tradition of 
Kabbalah and is inspired by theories in art and science, as her 
character Gabriella Vogel's grandfather is about to receive the Nobel 
Prize in Physics. "Her quest for answers will reveal a secret hidden 
for generations by her family and one moment­one choice­that will 
change everything."

The book also contains a reading group guide and the author is happy 
to speak to book groups by phone, too. Contact me for her email, or 
go to www.wendydubowpolins.com

Lisa Silverman

Library Director

Sinai Temple Blumenthal Library

10400 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90024



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