Dear Pearl,

*Mazel-tov* on your retirement and *yasher-koaḥ* for an incomparably great
career in Judaica librarianship!  YU and AJL will miss you in your
leadership positions, but we will all look forward to seeing, and working
with, you at future AJL Conferences and wherever and whenever we have the
fortune to see you.  The institution, our association, and the profession
have all benefited greatly from your wonderful contributions, your
knowledge, and your wisdom.  For me personally, it was a true honor and
privilege to begin my twelve years of service on AJL Council under your
presidency and guidance.

Warmest congratulations and appreciation,

Elliot H. Gertel
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica
Curator (Interim), Jewish Heritage Collection
The University of Michigan
Area Programs
111-C Hatcher Graduate Library North
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1190
Phone: 734-936-2367

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Pearl Berger <> wrote:

>  Dear Friends,
>  As many of you may have already heard, I will be retiring from my
> position as Dean of Libraries at Yeshiva University at the end of this
> academic year.
>  My experience at Yeshiva has been an extremely rewarding professional
> journey; one from which I derived a great deal of personal satisfaction.
> Along with a wonderful group of librarians and support personnel, I had the
> opportunity to move the YU libraries forward and to provide the student and
> faculty community with the best that we could offer.  I have had the
> pleasure of working with many of you at AJL in various capacities and I
> expect I will continue to be involved in the years to come.
> A committee has been formed to search for my replacement.
> For information see
> Pearl
> ______________________________________________
> Pearl Berger                                        Phone (212) 960-5363
> Dean of Libraries                                        Fax (212)
> 960-0066
> Yeshiva University
> 500 West 185th Street                     
> New York, NY 10033
> __
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