Dear Friends,


Let us begin with a brief summary of new and significant Hebrew Literature -
Israeli Literature. Eyal Meged has written 'Oshralia,'   published by Yediot
Hemed, 978-965-545-721-6  Cat. 87438 $25.00

A Woman Alone,' 'Isha le-vada,' by Ilana Hammerman has also been published
by Yediot - Ahuzat Bayit Sefarim, 978-965-556-045-9, Cat. 87434  $ 28.00 


Dalia Knohl Cohen, authored, 'Ma'avar Mandelbaum,' (Mandelbaum Gate), a
famous passage in Jerusalem between formerly divided East and West
Jerusalem. The book is a novel in a Jerusalem setting, late 1950's and
relations between Jackline and Gad who embody the struggles and fusion of
east and west,. The writer is a playright. Published by the respected
Carmel,  Cat 87243  $  33.00  


Tami Arad has written, 'Al Hut ha-Se'ara, 'Hanging By a Thread,' published
by Keter 978-965-07-2498-6, Cat.   $29.00 


Keter has published a work by Dror Burstein, entitled,'Tit,' Mud.' It is set
in modern Jerusalem and includes prophetic characters who predict
destruction. 978-965-07-2479-5, recommended for those interested in,
searching for, studying or collecting modern Hebrew Literature or Israeli
Belle Lettres. Cat.  87397  $     

Before going on to the really important works of modern Jewish Philosophy,
classical Jewish Thought, I will mention a title which is poetry art and
photography. Not shying away from controversy we would like to note a book
of Hebrew Poetry and Photography: ' At Lo Noladet Isha,' You Weren't Born a
Woman,'  by Riki Cohen, Ed., Which includes art related to gender and
sexuality.   Cat 87193  $39.00    


Dr. Ariel Picard has written another significant work of research, entitled,
Lirot et ha-kolot, Seeing the Voices, tradition, creativity and the freedom
of interpretation in Judaism. The work deals important issues and questions
such as the need and conflict associated with change in interpretation and
understanding of the Bible and Jewish Texts, (including Mishna, Talmud and
Midrash), over the generations and ages. 


The evolution of interpretation and Jewish Philosophy is examined through
among many, R'Yehuda Halevi, Ramban, Rambam through Hassidut, and the
encounter with modernity, Reform and secular society. The author manages to
take the reader through complex issues and conflicts over many periods
including the Crusades and with a Jewish Philosophical journey that extends
from the aforementioned to R' Yosef Dov Soloveichic, and  R' Kook. 

I was fascinated by the efforts and writings of Jewish Scholars like Naftali
Herz (Weisel) Wessely who simultaneously differentiated between the Torah of
Man, science and knowledge and civil conduct and the Torah of God which are
the laws and rituals which are divinely and prophetically inspired,
immutable and beyond the change of secular laws and states.


The dialog between the Text, the scholar/interpreter and the reader is a
central theme of the book and Jewish Study over time.  The book is published
by Miskal - Yediot Aharonot along with the Hartman Institute, isbn
978-965-545-904-3. Highly recommended.  Cat 87199  $28.00 


In the area of Jewish Thought and Philosophy we have previously mentioned: 

87046 Halamish Le-ma'ayano mayim, the Flint Into a Fountain of Waters,
Studies in Kabbala, Jewish Law, Custom and Philosophy submitted to Prof.
Moshe Hallamish, ed by Elqayam and Haviva Pedaya, published by Carmel,
978-965-540-567-5.  The editor is head of Jewish thought at Bar Ilan
University. Haviva Pedaya is a distinguished author and Professor at Ben
Gurion U.  Rational vs. Mystical Jewish Philosophy,  Scholarly, Must Have,,,
Cat 87046   $54.00 

In contrast or in emphasis, we should mention the new book by Haviva
Pedaya,'Kabala u Psykhoanalyza,    Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis : An inner
journey following the Jewish Mysticism,  pub. Yediot Hemed, 965-482-509-2,
Cat.   86358  $34.00 

Happy Yom ha-Atsma'ut to everyone.



Wishing you a pleasant and productive Springtime from all of us at Jerusalem
Books Ltd


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books Ltd




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