AJL kicks off the season with #JewishSummerReading, a book photo challenge 
taking place June through August, 2016!

It's easy! Anyone can participate, including kids. All you do is:

*       Read any Jewish book

*       Post a PHOTO of the book (use hashtag #JewishSummerReading)

*       During June-July-August 2016

If you'd like to be entered into a free book drawing, post your photo by July 
31. Choices are 50 Shades of Talmud by Maggie Anton or Death by Toilet Paper by 
Donna Gephart.

By sharing your #JewishSummerReading photos of cool Jewish books, you will help 
raise awareness of worthwhile titles, bringing them to the attention of more 
readers, increasing the market and supporting the publishing of Jewish books! 
Plus, it's fun!

Sign up to participate at http://tinyurl.com/enterjsr

~ Heidi Rabinowitz
Association of Jewish Libraries, Past President

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