Dear Hasafranim,
Thank you to all who sent in suggestions about how to teach library to the over 
13 crowd. A tough bunch, but I came up with something that worked fairly well. 
Since this year the class is going in-depth into the Jewish lifecycle, I 
decided to make that my jumping-off point. Under the rubrics of birth and 
pregnancy, bnai mitzvah, marriage and divorce, and death and mourning, I 
created a series of questions people (or they) might ask a librarian that can 
or cannot be found on the internet. I had them, one by one, dream up possible 
subject headings and then look for them in the online catalog and then find the 
sources on the shelf. Sample questions were: "You're having a brit bat and want 
a specifically female Jewish quote for the ceremony. Where do you look?" or 
"Your 80 year old great grandmother never had a bat mitzvah ceremony and longs 
to read torah and hates computers. What sources can you find to teach trope to 
an adult?"
The kids found it dorky at first, but then got into the search and soon 
understood the variety of a Jewish library and how to search in one.

Rachel Haus Library Director Congregation of Moses Library Kalamazoo MI
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