Dear RAS Division members,

In preparation for our meeting at the AJL conference, and in the absence of an 
RAS Division listserv, I am sending the RAS Division Meeting Minutes from last 
year to Ha-Safran.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Kind regards,
RAS President

RAS Meeting Minutes 6.20.16
Compiled by RAS Secretary Michelle Chesner

  1.  Called to order at 4:35
  2.  Meeting minutes from last year are not available
  3.  RAS Past President's report (Sharon Benamou)
     *   Looked at the affiliation document from strategic planning, felt that 
it didn't suit the needs of RAS.  Still in conversation

                                                               i.      Task 
force: Sharon, Rebecca, Yelena - to approach AJS about affiliations.

     *   Talking to ALA Editions about how to work on webinars (Haim G.)
  1.  Incoming President's report (Rebecca Jefferson)
     *   Incoming VP: Rachel Simon
     *   Incoming secretary: Michelle Chesner
     *   RAS relevant notes from Board meeting

                                                               i.      Yaffa 
called to figure out affiliation by next year - we're working on it!

                                                             ii.      Fred 
Isaac - Development - asking for proposals to give to Elevate (consultant 
form). Daniel added that there needs to be more RAS input on that. Michelle 
said that conversations had begun, but there can still be more.

  1.  Committee Reports:
     *   Cataloging:

Romanization issues with loan words - still under discussion

                                                             ii.      Discussed 
Racheli's article in JL about the future of cataloging (in a post-MARC age)

                                                           iii.      Revision 
of PCC guidelines for non-Roman characters

                                                           iv.      Cataloging 
wiki is updated

                                                             v.      Heidi is 
stepping down, a new chair will be appointed.

     *   Judaica Librarianship

Published a new edition - mazal tov to all who worked on it.  Not too many 
downloads made yet

                                                             ii.      Almost 
17K downloads since July 2013, since it became open

                                                           iii.      Call for 
papers not released yet

                                                           iv.      Edith noted 
how nice it is that you are notified when your articles are read.

                                                             v.      Michelle 
said there will be a new section reviewing digital projects; please send 
projects to be reviewed or offers to review.  These will be long-form reviews.

           *   Rebecca asked about reviewing exhibitions; Racheli responded 
that there will be another forum for reviewing exhibits, both physical and 
     *   RAS Bibliography and Reference Awards (Rebecca)

                                                               i.      Just a 
Reference Award this year, no bibliography:

           *   Edinburgh Companion to Jewish Fiction - one of the contributors 
will be here to accept the award on behalf of the editors, who couldn't make it.
     *   Old Business
     *   New Business:

                                                               i.      Rachel 
Simon: Two openings on the awards committee - if anyone is interested, email 
Rachel (<>).  Current members 
can run for two terms (so let Rachel know if you want to continue).

                                                             ii.      Can 
Bibliography awards be given to digital projects? Yes, they can and have been

                                                           iii.      What about 
expanding the awards to Academic Jewish Publication of the year? This might be 
a good option for Elevate.

           *   Zachary mentioned that it's a huge field and AJS is really doing 
           *   Are there areas that are not covered by AJS?
           *   Aaron T. proposed poetry and fiction
     *   How can the RAS division better serve its members?

                                                               i.      Sheryl: 
Digital Humanities resources. Michelle said that she's working on one for 
Jewish Studies, will add it to the site somehow. Led to a discussion of 
Libguides and sharing them - send them to Nancy Poole, new Publications Chair

Programming recommendations for next year

           *   Dina: Working with Wikipedia to emphasize collections. NYC 
Wikimedia Chapter is very active. CJH was involved in this. A workshop could be 
very beneficial to librarians
           *   Daniel: Format rather than content.  Check survey results to see 
what people wanted
           *   Poster sessions for digital projects - maybe digital poster 
sessions; but why not just old fashioned poster.
           *   Bibliographic instruction - has that ever been done?
              *   Racheli noted that JL also seeks articles about instruction
           *   Haim Gottschalk offered to be a moderator
     *   Elliott reminded all going on to ALA that the 10th joint ALA-AJL 
program "Chronicle of a people: celebrating over 200 years of Florida Jewish 
history" (more info in the program book on p. 20)

                                                               i.      Edith 
gave special thanks to Elliott for his hard work doing this every year.

                                                             ii.      Yaffa - 
we are making a conscious effort to make ourselves more visible in ALA. Be in 
touch with Elliott if you plan to go; you can get free registration (and 
there's swag to bring).

                                                           iii.      Jasmin 
recommended possibly raffling off a registration for conference at the ALA 

     *   Jim thanked Sharon for her service.
     *   Michelle moved to close, Racheli seconded, meeting ended at 5:19

In attendance:
Yaffa Weisman: AJL-JIR
Robert Christmann: KKBE/Assistant Librarian at Yaschik Library
Vanessa Freedman: University College London
Anna Levia: Stanford University Libraries
Arielle I. Sokol: University of Michigan
Elliot H. Gertel: University of Michigan
Galina Teverovsky: Library of Congress
Elizabeth Vernon: Harvard
Zachary Baker: Stanford University
Avrum Shuchatowitz: Yeshiva University
Haim Gottschalk: Library of Congress
Elhanan Adler: National Library of Israel
Sharon Horowitz: Library of Congress
Gabriel Mordoch: Ohio State
Yelena Luckert: Maryland
Daniel Scheide: Florida Atlantic
Yossi Galron: Ohio State
Michelle Chesner: Columbia
Jackie Benefraim: AJU
Ya'akov Aronson: Bar Ilan
Aaron Taub: Library of Congress
Nancy Sack: University of Hawaii
Sheryl Stahl: Hebrew Union College
Dina Herbert: NARA
Edith Lubetski: Stern College
Shoshanah Seidman: Northwestern
Rachel Simon: Princeton
David Hirsch: UCLA
Rita Saccal: Fundacion Judaica
Stanley Nachamy
Elinor Grumet: Stern College
Shuli Berger: Yeshiva University
Leah Adler: Yeshiva University
Jasmin Shidohara: University of Pennsylvania
Alan LaPayover: Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Amalia Levia: Barbados, Nidhe Israel
Gail Shirazi: Library of Congress
Rachel Ariel: Duke
Marlene Schiffman: Yeshiva University
Sharon Benamou: UCLA
Rebecca Jefferson: University of Florida

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