I have been asked to set up a library in a Yeshiva in New York, however I
am not sure what to charge.    I will  be a consultant and also  clean out
their multi purpose room which has some children's books.  This room will
be their library and used for other functions throughout the year because
of lack of space There are  some books which are appropriate but have to be
separated according to grade level, and others which have to be discarded.

They want help setting up a computerized lending library and would like me
to help  order books for 1st-5th grades. They also want me to  teach them
everything they need to know so their library will run smoothly and
efficiently..I have been an assistant librarian for 10 years and feel I am
ready, willing and able to accept the job but not sure what to ask to be
paid.   If you know the "going rate" for a consultant who would also set up
a library Please let me  know.  My e-mail address is

Thank you,
Dale Rubin

*Shulamis Hes*
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