For a book about the refugee experience, please see "A New Life In A New Land: From The Holocaust To Israel: The Story Of A Young Jewish Girl Who Cheated Death"
ISBN 978-1-936778-59-1 by Bracha Weisbarth.

Many on this list may remember Bracha when she was Director of Library Services at the Waldor Memorial Library in Whippany, New Jersey until she retired in 2005.

The first book that Bracha wrote was: To Live and Fight Another Day, which AJL gave very high review marks. Her family joined a group of Partisans and fought the Nazis in the forests of the Ukraine. (BTW- excellent reading for young adults.

Both titles are available on Amazon. Just do a keyword seach 'Bracha Weisbarth' for a quick find.

The Hebrew edition of 'A New Life In A New Land' will be available for Hanuka season.

Thank you.
Chaim Mazo;

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