The new   February-March NEWS is full of interesting articles:  Read about one 
of our most fascinating members, a new book  that features poems by the late 
Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai written by  the artist and poet Rick Black.  The 
article is submitted by our chair person of the Jewish Fiction Award. If you 
have not heard it yet - please read about the recipient  Rachel Kadish’s book 
and the honorable mention titles. All the  Sidney Taylor  children book awards 
are listed as well includes the Manuscript Awards. 
There is interesting news from ALA and, also, the list of the current slate of 
nominees for the 2018-20 Board and information on the elections.
The Preliminary Conference Schedule will give you a glance at the exiting 
upcoming conference.
And there is more.  If you are AJL member log-in the website and enjoy !! 
Thank you to the editor and the editorial board to the contributors and the 
Chapters presidents. 
Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL President
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