Hi colleagues,

I recently purchased a very interesting Judaica book for my library
called *Einstein
and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul
Naomi Levy.

At first glance it seemed to be about Albert Einstein, at second glance it
seemed about Rabbi Naomi Levy's personal reflections based on a letter by
Albert Einstein, and now it just seems like general Jewish inspiration by
Naomi Levi but I'm really not quite sure. It still seems great for my
library, but I have no idea how to classify it.

Interestingly, the Library of Congress (see for yourself in the link above)
classifies it as QC (general physics or science) in LCC but 296.7 (Judaism)
in Dewey. I find these decisions by LoC interesting but unhelpful, as I am
looking for its subject matter for the purposes of putting it into the
Elazar system. To summarize, I don't understand it's subject well enough to
give it an Elazar number. Biography? Kabbalah? Science from a Jewish

Any thoughts or suggestions? It's been bothering me for over a week in the
way that only happens to librarians.

Thanks, and Shabbat Shalom,

Josh Jasper

Joshua Jasper, M.A., M.S.L.I.S.
Rosen Library

Temple Emanu-El
99 Taft Ave
Providence, RI
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