Israel Cohen suggested I send this to you.

“Every Jew should read this book.”                                         The 
Canary Connection is an historical novel whose central theme is the Jewish 
experience of the 15thcentury Diaspora - the Spanish edict of expulsion and its 
connection to Columbus and the Voyage of Discovery - both occurring on the same 
day, the Ninth of Av. It is a date burned in Jewish history as the ports of 
Spain teem with escaping Jewish families. Just who was on that boat when it 
left the port of Palos de la Frontera?  While portraying the Jewish experience 
on a personal level, world characters are presented with distinctive 
personalities and unique motivations bringing the past to life while 
confronting the monumental issues of exile and annihilation. A reviewer states: 
“Readers who marveled at Hillary Mantel’s novels or Ken Follett’s will find The 
Canary Connection deeply satisfying. But one doesn’t have to be a history buff 
to feel Spolin’s story resonate.” Your congregation, your community, your 
family will be enriched by this story of perseverance and triumph. If you are 
inclined, just reply and I will forward you either an ebook or print copy and 
welcome your comments or review.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  
 Phillip Spolinpaspolin@sbcglobal.netphillipspolin.com310-251-5121
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