Wishing Elliot good health and new experiences as he transitions to this new 
phase of his life. He has been true asset to our community!
Suzi Dubin

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Sent: Monday, December 3, 2018 7:26 PM
To: Annette Goldsmith; besny...@umich.edu
Cc: Hasafran
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Elliot H. Gertel on hisretirement!

I echo the sentiments of Fred and Annette. I have enjoyed d getting to know   
Elliot (two Ls and one T.  Elliot knows what I mean).
We and The University of Michigan were blessed to have him.
Amalia Warshenbrot
Immediate past president, Association of Jewish Libraries
From: Annette Goldsmith via Hasafran 
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2018 9:14 PM
To: besny...@umich.edu 
Cc: Hasafran 
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Elliot H. Gertel on hisretirement!
Happy retirement, Elliot! I'm glad to hear that you'll still be active in AJL 
and ALA.
On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 2:25 PM Beth Snyder via Hasafran 
<hasafran@lists.osu.edu> wrote:
At the end of this calendar year, Elliot H. Gertel will retire from his endowed 
position as the Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica, culminating nearly 20 
years of dedicated service to the University of Michigan Library.  Elliot has 
worked for the Library as the Curator of Judaica and liaison to the Jean and 
Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, initially as part of the library’s 
Near East Division in the Area Programs unit and later, on the International 
Studies team. 

During his time at the University of Michigan, Elliot has worked tirelessly to 
build the Judaica collections and to support faculty, student, community, and 
external user research.  Since 2014, Elliot has also served as curator of the 
Jewish Heritage Collection in the Special Collections Research Center. Under 
his stewardship, the Judaica Collections have grown to well over 150,000 
titles, with strengths in Modern Hebrew literature, Jewish history, history of 
Israel, Judaism, Hebrew Bible, Holocaust studies, and Yiddish studies.  Among 
Elliot’s noteworthy additions to the collections are the extensive Alterman 
Collection of Passover Haggadahs, a number of art books by or about the 
celebrated Polish-born Jewish American artist Arthur Szyk, a collection of 
Sephardi Biblical commentaries, and numerous rare and antiquarian volumes in 
Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, and Western languages, along with art books and 
portfolios and artifacts.

Elliot’s curatorial expertise has been in evidence in many of the exhibitions 
in the Library and those the Frankel Center has featured, including recent 
exhibitions on Haggadahs and pushkes (charity boxes) in the latter location.  
In 2017, in conjunction with the bicentennial celebration of the University, he 
curated a major exhibition in the exhibit space of the Special Collections 
Library entitled "Striving to Stimulate Serious Thought: Jewish Scholarly and 
Cultural Life at Michigan Across Two Centuries."

Elliot has made lasting contributions to Jewish studies and the community 
through research, presentations, and to the profession through multiple roles 
in service to the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Jewish information 
Committee of the ALA Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table 
(EMIERT) of which he has been a longtime chair, and the ALA RUSA Sophie Brody 
Medal Committee.  He has served in numerous capacities in AJL including as 
president of the Research Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections (RAS) 
Division and for a number of years as AJL's liaison to ALA. In 1994, he devised 
a series of joint AJL/ALA programs, many of these--twelve so far at AJL and ALA 
conferences--which he coordinated and chaired.

Elliot’s passion for and expertise in Yiddish have enriched the University of 
Michigan. He facilitates a weekly Yiddish conversational group and has taught 
Yiddish at the University of Michigan, Florida Atlantic University, and the 
University of Kentucky. Jeffrey Veidlinger, Director of the Frankel Center for 
Judaic Studies, notes especially that “Elliot has also been an important member 
of the Yiddish community here at Michigan, contributing to our global 
reputation as a leading center of Yiddish studies.” 

While he will be retiring from UM, Elliot plans to continue to be active in AJL 
and ALA and attend their meetings and conferences.

Elliot’s last day of work will be December 21st.  Please join his colleagues in 
wishing him a happy retirement. 

Beth Snyder                                                          
Head, International Studies Technical Services                 
Assistant Head, International Studies
The University of Michigan Library                                              
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Annette Goldsmith, PhD
Co-Editor (with Theo Heras & Susan Corapi), Reading the World's Stories: An 
annotated bibliography of international youth literature (Rowman & Littlefield, 
Librarian, Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, Los Angeles, CA
Currently reading: ​Step up to the Plate, Maria Singh by ​Uma Krishnaswami (Tu 
Books/Lee & Low Books, 2017)
"A book is like a world you can carry around with you." Liniers, 
Written and Drawn by Henrietta  (TOON Books, 2015)

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