Hello, librarians,
The message below arrived today via the AJL website. If you are interested in providing space for the production, please contact Emma Schwartz at the address/phone below.
Thanks. Happy 2019.
Nancy Sack
AJL Secretary

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Diary of Anne Frank Project
Date:   Mon, 31 Dec 2018 16:32:48 -0500
From:   Emma Schwartz <emmataylor.schwa...@gmail.com>
To:     i...@jewishlibraries.org, members...@jewishlibraries.org

Good afternoon,

My name is Emma Schwartz and I’m a recent graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts, where I majored in acting and directing.  While typically working with community theaters throughout NJ, I am venturing out to produce and stage a unique and intimate production of /The Diary of Anne Frank/ by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, and adapted by Wendy Kesselman (1997). I believe that this is an incredibly timely play for today’s fraught political climate and one that is incredibly near and dear to my heart. When I was thirteen I fell in love with this story and with Anne’s words and think that bringing my own voice and the voice of my production team could really shed new light on the piece. This being said, I’m looking for the ideal space to tell the story, and I believe your facility would be the perfect location.

The setting of a library would be a remarkably unique environment to stage this play in. My goals for this production are primarily environmental. From the get-go I knew I wanted to stage this in the round, where the audience would surround the actors and action of the play, so as to create a feeling of intimacy, semi-claustrophobia and to really let the audience know these characters. Whereas, they are no longer characters but people. The audience not only remembers reading about Peter van Daan from when they studied this book in 7th grade, but they are right next to him and really see these people for who they were. In this way I want to honor the memories of those depicted in the play by letting the audience really get to know them.

In addition, a big theme of the play is a mental form of escape. In that Anne Frank uses her diary to escape from the horrors and stress of life they are living, and frankly (no pun intended) a library does just the same thing. Many go to a library as a sort of sanctuary and escape from whatever stress or annoyance the outside world is putting them through. In a similar vein, the annex, as well as the diary is a similar form of sanctuary for Anne Frank and the other characters.

 I’d be very interested in utilizing your space for my production, and would be very grateful to hear your thoughts on this. Logistically I’m hoping to go up in March 2019 (a week of final rehearsals, and a weekend of shows), but this can be flexible.  With promoting the show, we would also encourage audience members to donate a book to help support your work.  This type of production would draw the existing community, and many others, to experience your facility in a new way.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Emma Taylor Schwartz
emmataylor.schwa...@gmail.com <mailto:emmataylor.schwa...@gmail.com>
(908) 514-5314
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